About Us
Welcome to AikiTV.online
AikiTV has been primarily developed as a resource to help students during periods when training is inaccessible. Short form videos are released weekly to help bring the dojo to your living room. While there's no substitute for training in person on the mats, AikiTV will keep techniques fresh in your mind until your next session.
Our videos feature Joe Thambu Shuseki Shihan, head of Aikido Shudokan International, as well as the senior instructors and students of the Shudokan. We offer videos for a range of proficiency levels, from basic movements and falls to more advanced techniques, jiyuwaza and applied Aikido such as self-defence.
We also upload recorded live classes that people can do at home, videos for teaching children, and special videos where Joe Sensei interviews martial artists about Budo. This service provides not just techniques but it explores the depth of what training in a martial art means for one's spirit and character.
We encourage you to sign-up for a free 7-day trial, browse around and if you don't want to continue, just cancel your membership before it starts after the 7 days. You will still have access to all of the free videos, which are regularly updated.
If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to get in touch with us via our Contact Us page or call us on +61 3 9440 7028.
The AikiTV Team
Aikido Shudokan, 43 Crissane Road, Heidelberg West, Victoria, Australia 3081